Knowing what to expect when it comes to purpleheart stability is important because you might blame the finish for darkening. You could sand down the lumber to make its purple color more prominent, then use a water-based poly coat to stabilize it. And that means Shellac is going to be out of the picture. Then there will be situations where you have to use a water-based finish. In that case, you’d resort to using Shellac to bring out whatever’s left of the purpleness. For instance, if it is already a part of a project.

There will be instances where you cannot strip the wood. Both solutions have their advantages which is why you should implement them both if you can. You can make purpleheart wood more purple by either stripping its outer, oxidized layer or by using a varnish that makes its purple color more prominent. How Do You Make Purpleheart Wood More Purple? An image of purpleheart wood. The first is to opt for a finish that will preserve the appearance of purpleheart wood, and the second is a finish that can make the purpleheart wood more purple. You have two options when selecting the finish. If the lumber has been left untreated and out in the open, it should be sanded and stripped before it is finished so that it is at its brightest when it is preserved with a finish. And if you coat it in an opaque film, the color that will be preserved will not be seen by anyone. If you coat the purpleheart wood in a clear finish, the sunlight is going to decolor it. Purpleheart’s color change isn’t just affected by oxygen. All woodworkers know that the best type of wood is one that maintains its color. Or they are used to strengthen a project where said project’s appearance doesn’t matter. Color-changing finishes are used with the intention of changing a specific board, plank, or sheet’s color.

Later, oxidation gets to it, and it starts fading to a darker tint. The purple “heart” of the tree is often greyish when it is freshly cut. Purpleheart wood is very expensive because of its desirable but often fleeting purple hue. Purpleheart and Finishes: A Brief Investigation Final Thoughts – Best Finish For Purpleheart.How Do You Get the Best Color for a Purple Heart?.How Do You Make Purpleheart Wood More Purple?.Purpleheart and Finishes: A Brief Investigation.